Anaplan PlanIQ with Amazon Forecast is here!

Anaplan PlanIQ with Amazon Forecast is here!

Bedford Consulting is delighted to partner with Anaplan on this exciting next step in their forecasting capability, driving accurate business decisions with seamlessly integrated AI/ML forecasting.

With Anaplan PlanIQ with Amazon Forecast, teams across finance, supply chain, sales and human resources can make highly accurate decisions with machine learning (ML)-driven forecasting. This joint solution combines Anaplan’s powerful Connected Planning platform with Amazon’s intelligent ML capabilities and deep learning algorithms to generate accurate future forecasts, fast.

“In this rapidly changing landscape when decision-makers are under more pressure than ever, our customers are asking to not only see the benefits of forecasting with statistical models or custom forecasting techniques like R, Python & Amazon Forecast, being aided by data science teams but also wanting these capabilities to be made easier and business owned. Anaplan PlanIQ is the enabler, and I am excited to open up this offering to our customers so that they can leverage even more value from the platform.”

Cathal Doyle, CEO at Bedford Consulting

What does it do?

  • Embedded in the Anaplan platform for quick and easy setup. Select Anaplan module data for model training, validate data, and surface and correct data issues.
  • Choice of multiple statistical, ML and neural network algorithms from Amazon Forecast, all within PlanIQ.
  • Schedule, automate, or run ad-hoc forecasts as needed, aligning to your business planning cycles.

Some of the benefits

  • Accurate and predictive. Backed by ML capabilities via the industry-leading Amazon Forecast engine, decision-makers can improve forecast accuracy and evaluate multiple scenarios, predict, and drive future outcomes based on greater volumes of historical, internal, and external data. Now, decision-makers can visualize and examine results in Anaplan from every angle to fully understand key the drivers behind their choices.
  • Accessible. PlanIQ helps democratize ML forecasting, empowering more users to unlock new insights.
  • Automatic and iterative. Teams can take large volumes of data and run automatic analysis and inference to uncover hidden insights. This allows business users to automatically choose the best predictive model per forecast with ML guidance.

“Today’s pace of change makes it impossible for business leaders and their teams to rely on historical data for building accurate plans that anticipate the future… .With PlanIQ, Anaplan customers can operate their business using connected, forward-looking plans built on predictive forecasting and agile scenario modelling, turning the ability to move quickly into a competitive edge.”

Ana Pinczuk, Chief Development Officer, Anaplan

Although it is an incredibly powerful enhancement, each of your businesses will have different forecasting needs, it is not one size fits all, so please do speak to us about where PlanIQ might add value in your Anaplan landscape and forecasting maturity. Or if you simply want to learn more about how PlanIQ works please do reach out by email or book a demo.

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